Application Form

Step 1: Loan Details

Step 2: Security Offered


Step 3: Solicitor and Accountants Details

Step 4: Assets and Liabilities for Company / Trust

Step 5: Director/Guarantor 1

Step 6: Director/Guarantor 2

Step 7: Assets and Liabilities for Directors/Guarantors

Step 8: Privacy Disclosure Statement and Declaration

Key Information
Click To Read Privacy Policy Terms
Applicant 1
Applicant 2

This policy provides information as to the kind of personal information that we collect and the way we use  it. In this Privacy Policy, the terms “we”,”us”, “our” or “Capseed” are references to Capseed Finance Pty Ltd  (ACN: 666 369 535) and/or other nominated parties (“Capseed”) 

  1. Privacy Statement 

Capseed recognises the importance of personally identifiable information collected about you and are  strongly committed to protecting this information when you interact with us about our products and  services. It is our objective to create a transparent framework about how and why we collect and use your  personal information, and how we safeguard your privacy. We are bound by the relevant laws including the  Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Privacy (Credit Reporting) Code and  Freedom of Information Act 1982 in relation to the handling of personal information. 2. Personal Information 

We collect personal information when we provide our products and services to you, and only collect  personal information that is reasonably necessary for us to perform our functions Generally, we will tell you  why we are collecting information when we collect it and how we plan to use it, or these things will be  obvious when we collect the information. 

We usually collect personal information directly from you although sometimes we may use need to source  information about you from a third party: for example, a credit reporting body or an insurer. Wherever  possible this will be done with your permission or where this is not possible, we will inform you. We may  also acquire lists from other sources, both from other companies and from public documents. The kind of personal information we collect, and hold will depend upon the type of products and services  that you request, and may include: 

  • information you give us when you request a product or service from us, such as your name,  address, contact details and relevant identification documents; 
  • financial information about you, such as your financial position and information obtained from credit  checks if you have authorised us to carry out those checks; 
  • communications between us and your accountant, financial adviser, lawyer or mortgage broker; 


  • transactional information about the use of a product if you have or had a product with us. Collection of your personal information may include us collecting from: 
  • Our representatives; 
  • Our distributors or referrers, agents, business partners and affiliates, other insurers or related  Companies; 
  • Our service providers; 
  • Family members or anyone you have authorised to deal with us on your behalf; Our legal or other advisers; 
  • Social media and other virtual communities and networks where people create, share or exchange  information; 
  • Persons who are authorised under power of attorney or otherwise to manage your affairs; Publicly available sources of information; 
  • Data partners, analytic consultants, and other similar organisations; and 
  • Any other organisation or person where you have consented to them providing your Personal  Information to us or consented to us obtaining Personal Information from them. 
  1. Credit Information 

This section applies in addition to other sections of our privacy statement where you apply for credit from  us, act as guarantor or provide security property. Information is obtained from you, credit reporting bodies,  mortgage brokers and others to assist us in assessing your eligibility to be provided with finance. Credit  information obtained includes your credit history including repayment history, default information, details of  any serious infringements, personal insolvency information and any other publicly available information. In  obtaining your credit history from a credit reporting body we are required to advise them of your personal  information such as name, address, and date of birth. We may share your personal information with a  number of parties including: prospective investors who have an interest in financing your loan; any party  representing you such your broker, lawyer or accountant; anyone who you have provided consent; credit  reporting bodies; our agents including our lawyers or other organisations who assist in administering your  loan; and other guarantors or borrowers associated with your loan. If you believe information held by a  credit reporting body is incorrect or you have been a victim of fraud you can contact the credit reporting  body to correct your information. We make use of Equifax. Refer www.equifax or telephone 13 83  32. 

  1. Sensitive Information 

As a general rule we do not collect sensitive information. However, if we do, it will usually be for the  purposes of providing our products or services and if the law requires us to. We will only collect sensitive  information about you with your consent, for example if assessing a hardship application. 

  1. Anonymity 

Where possible, you have the option of interacting with us anonymously. For example, you may visit and  browse our website and use some of our online facilities without having to reveal any Personal  Information. It is your choice whether to provide your personal information. However, if you don’t, we might  be unable to fulfil your request for a specific product or service or be unable to identify you to protect you  against fraud 

  1. Use of Personal Information 

Capseed will never sell, rent, or trade your personal information. 

We use your information to provide our products or services to you, to fulfil administrative functions  associated with these products or services, for example billing, to enter into contracts with you or third  parties, to respond to queries or complaints, for staff training, and for marketing and client relationship  purposes. 

We may use your personal information to comply with laws and regulatory requirements including  complying with any request made by a governmental authority in connection with legal proceedings or the  prevention or detection of fraud and crime. 

Your personal information is also collected to meet our obligations under the Anti-money laundering and  Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) and following a direction issued under taxation laws by the  ATO. 

We may use your personal information for additional purposes to those listed above, however we will not  use your personal information other than for:

  • a purpose made known to you; 
  • a purpose you would reasonably expect; 
  • a purpose required or permitted by law; or 
  • a purpose otherwise authorised by you. 
  1. Disclosure of Personal Information 

In the course of providing our services to you, we may disclose your personal information to other  organisations. These may include: 

  • Companies that provide services to us; 
  • Anyone where you have provided consent; 
  • Lenders, valuers, mortgage insurers; 
  • Accountants; 
  • Recoveries firms and debt collectors; 
  • Investment managers; 
  • Lawyers; 
  • Printing and postal services; 
  • Advisers, authorised representatives; 
  • Financial institutions including entities that administer your financial products; Any industry body, tribunal, court or otherwise in connection with any complaint; Your employer or referees. 

Prior to disclosing any of your personal information to another person or organisation, we will take all  reasonable steps to satisfy ourselves that the person or organisation has a commitment to protecting your  personal information at least equal to our commitment, or you have consented to us making the disclosure. 

  1. Use by Third Parties 

Wherever our business is outsourced to third party service providers, such as our lawyers, information  technology service providers, we undertake wherever possible to ensure that these parties are bound by  confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements. Information provided to these parties remains the property  of Capseed and is only used for the specific purpose for which it is supplied. Wherever possible Capseed will elect to deal with agents who are bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act. Except where required by  law, we only disclose personal information to third parties with your express or implied consent. We do not  disclose names and addresses to third parties for their own use and in particular we do not disclose names  and addresses to third parties for their direct marketing. Generally, we require third parties to protect your  information in the same way we do. 

We may share your information with companies which are related to the Capseed group so that products  and services may be offered. 

We do not normally deal with overseas entities. If your personal information is disclosed to a company  operating in a foreign country, we will ensure that the information will be protected by a law or in a contract  which upholds privacy principles similar to the Australian Privacy Principles. 

  1. Use of Aggregate Data 

Using cookies, we may collect certain non-personal information to optimise our products and services  including our web pages for your computer. This information is for example the identity of your internet  browser, the type of operating system you use, your IP address and the domain name of your internet  

service provider. We may use such non-personal information for internal purposes, including but not limited  to improving the content of our website. When you are online, we collect information regarding the pages  within our network which you visit and what you click on. Capseed may use personally identifiable  information in aggregate form to improve our products and services including our website and make them  more responsive to the needs of our customers. This statistical compilation and analysis of information may  also be used by Capseed as a summary report for marketing, or research purposes. 

  1. Security 

We take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from loss, unauthorised access,  modification, and unauthorised disclosure. Personal information about your accounts and membership is  only accessible by you and those who are authorised to access it. Only authorised employees have access  to your personal information and only for approved purposes. Your personal information can only be  amended and deleted by authorised means. Records that we hold, containing your personal information 

may be in hardcopy documents or electronic data. We use a variety of physical and electronic security  measures including restricting physical access to our offices and firewalls, virus software, user identities  and passwords and secure databases to keep personal information secure from misuse, loss or  unauthorised use or disclosure. Our website uses technology to ensure maximum security. Unfortunately,  no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure. 

  1. Data Breaches 

Security of your personal information is very important to us. Capseed have implemented internal  procedures to manage data breaches if they occur. 

A data breach occurs when personal information that an organisation holds is subject to unauthorised  access or disclosure, or is lost. A data breach may be caused by malicious action (by an external or  insider party), human error, or a failure in information handling or security systems. Capseed will notify you and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner about any eligible data  breaches as required by law. An ‘eligible data breach’ is a breach that is likely to result in serious harm to  any of the individuals to whom the information relates, and we have not been able to prevent this risk of  serious harm with remedial action. 

If you believe that we have experienced a data breach, please contact us using details in the section  “Contacting Us” 

  1. Direct Marketing 

On occasion, we, and our related companies, may use your Personal Information to provide you with  information about the products and services we or our distributors, referrers, agents, business partners,  affiliates and any proposed new or incoming insurer may offer. 

You can opt out of receiving direct marketing information from us at any time by contacting us using the  details in the section “Contacting us” below 

  1. Access to Personal Information 

You have a right to access personal information we hold about you and subject to the limited  circumstances set out below, we will endeavour to process your request in a reasonable time or within 30  days. In order to process your request, we will have to verify your identity. There is no charge for  requesting access to your personal information, however in some circumstances we may need to charge  an administrative fee, of which we will inform you in advance. 

In the event that we refuse you access to your personal information, we will provide you with an  explanation for that refusal. These reasons may include: 

  • an unreasonable impact on the privacy of other individuals; 
  • the information relates to legal proceedings between Capseed and you; 
  • the information would reveal our commercially-sensitive decision-making process; or we are prevented by law from disclosing the information or providing access. 

To request access, please contact our Privacy Officer via: Mobile +61 0435 018 061 ; email ; or post, Level 3, 480 Collin Street Melbourne 3000. 

  1. Updating your personal information 

It is important that your personal information that we hold is accurate and up to date. If you would like to  make any changes to your personal information you may contact us at any time. We may from time to time  ask you to inform us if any of your personal information has changed. However, we will generally rely on  you to ensure that the information we hold about you is accurate and complete. 

  1. Online Links to Third Party and Co-Branded Sites 

Capseed may establish relationships with business partners that allow visitors to our website to link directly  to sites operated by these partners. Capseed is not responsible for the content or practices of websites  operated by third parties that are linked to our sites. These links are meant for the user’s convenience only.  Links to third party websites do not constitute sponsorship, endorsement, or approval by Capseed of the  content, policies, or practices of those third-party sites. Once you have left our site via such a link, you  should check the applicable privacy policy of the third-party site. 

  1. Changes to Privacy Statement 

This Privacy Statement relates to our current Privacy Policy, last updated 5 January 2024. We may vary 

our Policy and this Statement from time to time. By browsing our website, you accept that you are bound  by the terms and conditions of our Privacy Statement as displayed on our website and you should check  these whenever re-visiting our website. 

  1. Contacting us 

If you would like more information about how we manage your personal information, please contact us on: Mobile: +61 0435 018 061 


Or write to us at the following address: 

The Privacy Officer 

Capseed Finance, Level 3, 

480 Collin Street 

Melbourne 3000. 

  1. Complaints 

If you are not satisfied with how we have dealt with your personal information or if you have a complaint  about a service or loan we have provided, including how we have complied with the Privacy Act you should  contact our Complaints and Privacy Officer via: 

Mobile: +61 0435 018 061 


Or write to us at the following address: 

The Privacy Officer 

Capseed Finance, Level 3, 

480 Collin Street 

Melbourne 3000. 

We take all complaints very seriously and consider complaints carefully as part of our commitment to being  open, honest, and fair in dealing with your concerns. We will acknowledge your complaint within one  business day and to let you know the person in our organisation who will be responsible for investigating  the matter. 

If we are unable to resolve the matter within 10 business days, we will contact you and let you know its  progress and when we expect the matter to be resolved. In any event we will provide you with our decision  on your complaint within 30 calendar days. 

If you are dissatisfied with our response, and you are a client of Capseed Finance Pty Ltd (ACN: 666 369  535). 

You may also contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner via telephone on 1300 363 992;  email; or post GPO Box 5218 Sydney, NSW 2001. 

You can obtain information on privacy issues in Australia by visiting the Office of the Australian Information  Commissioner’s web site located at